Posts on our Facebook and Instagram will help you complete the activities:
Facebook: Camp Longleaf | Photos | Videos
Instagram: @camplongleaf
Orientation Sunday
Welcome to “Camp at Home" Week 5! Check out the material list for the exciting activities we’ll be doing this week!
Monday Madness
Got any grapes? Re-create this silly camp skit (found on our Facebook) and/or check out the activity to spot the difference.
Science Tuesday
Let's learn the science way! Watch our video (found on our Facebook) to see how these experiments are done.
Wacky Craft Wednesday
Learn how to make your very own nature weave.
Thrilling Thursday
I think I just saw Bigfoot!
Farewell Friday
Will you miss 'Camp at Home' when it's gone? We sure will miss you! Thanks for the great memories and be sure to watch today's video (found on Facebook).